CTCV is an Entity of the Scientific and Technological System, certified by CERTIF according to NP EN ISO 900. It’s laboratories are accredited by IPAC according to the standard NP EN ISO / IEC 17025. It is also a Sectorial Standardization Body recognized by IPQ, with an active participation in National, European (CEN) and International (ISO) Standardization Technical Committees.
It is composed of a multidisciplinary team with scientific values and solid technical skills in different areas of knowledge, resulting from its 30 years of accumulated experience and specialized training.
To provide knowledge and to develop the appropriate skills in technical and high-specialty fields. To drive research, development and innovation processes and to be able to deployed it into companies vision.
To be an imperative partner for the development of heading and emergent solutions.
In providing the service to our customers, we value the usefulness of the work as a fundamental value of CTCV. Our work must meet a purpose, must be easy to interpret and execute, and must also provide knowledge and value for our client in his target market.
We know that the organizations value depends on what their employees are worth and therefore, internally, we privilege the learning and the permanent updating of knowledge as a great impulse of innovation and creativity.
Concern about changing demand for improvement is also a core value of our organization.
a partner for competitiveness