The CLAY project aims to support the ceramic industry, focusing on new technologies, strengthening brands and developing new services to maintain competitive advantages and meet the challenge of globalization.


Its main purpose is to show that product, design process and innovation can keep tradition and modernity visible and competitive in today's world. The overall objective is to ensure that policy instruments are adapted to support an important traditional sector - ceramic - which contributes to competitiveness and employment in Europe and the Central Region of Portugal in particular.



Umbria - Regional Government of Umbria, Italy - (Líder Partner)

AeuCC - Agrupaciòn Europea de Cooperaciòn Territorial Ciudades de la Ceramica, AECT limitada - European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation Cities of Ceramic, Spain - (Consulting Partner)

ADRSV - Agentia pentru Dezvoltare Regionala Sud Vest Oltenia - Regional Development Agency South West Oltenia, Romania

Etelä-Pohjanmaan liitto - Regional Council of Sout Ostrobothnia, Finland

CTCV - Centro Tecnológico da Cerâmica e do Vidro, Portugal

Association pour le développement et la promotion du pôle européen de la céramique, France





CLAY - Cross Sector support for Innovative and Competitive artistic Ceramic SMEs