This project intends not just to raise awareness, but also to make all entities involved in the construction sector conscious about CO2 emission, from the extraction of raw materials to manufacture materials of construction to the demolition works or deconstruction of buildings, that is, taking into account the life cycle of materials and construction processes. The objective is to create an Open Educational Resource (OERCO2) where the calculations of CO2 emissions in each phase of the building are unified so that get an overall picture about footprint from the conception of it and decide on each variable of the construction .



Universidad de Sevilla (US)
Asociación Empresarial de Investigación Centro Tecnológico del Mármol, Piedra y Materiales (CTM)
CertiMaC Soc. Cons. a r. L. (CertiMaC)
Centro Tecnologico Tecnologico da Ceramica e do Vidro (CTCV)
Universitatea Transilvania Din Brasov (UTBV)

Asociatia Romania Green Building Council (RoGBC)





OERCO2 - An Online Resource Centre for innovative study of Life Cycle Analysis of construction materials